Methods to install theme
You can use FTP to install navapro theme.
Can I use composer to install the theme?
Sorry, composer is not supported with our premium drupal themes.
Step #1 Download Theme
After purchase, you can download the theme file from your account page. Follow the steps below to access your purchased theme files.
- Log in to Your Account.
- Click Files tab in your account.
- Here you can see the list of purchased files available for download.
- Click NavaPro-Drupal-Theme file to start downloading the theme file.
Step #2 Extract File
Extract the downloaded file on your computer.
Step #3
Open the extracted navapro-drupal-theme folder. You will find following folder.
- navapro: This is the main theme folder. You need to upload only this folder.
You will also find following files. These are just compressed files of the main theme folder.
- navapro.tar
- navapro.tar.gz
Step #4 Connect Using FTP
Connect to your hosting server via FTP. You can use any free FTP client like FileZilla to connet to your hosting server.
Step #5 Navigate to the Theme Directory
Once connected via FTP, locate your Drupal installation folder. The theme folders are usually located under:
- /themes/
- /web/themes/
- /themes/custom
- /web/themes/custom/
Step #6 Upload Theme
Upload navapro folder to /themes directory of your Drupal installation.
Step #7 Install Theme
- Go to Appearance page of your Drupal site.
Step #8 Apply Theme Settings
Click Settings button to go to the settings page of navapro theme.
Here you can configure theme.