wordpress Database Permissions
We generally grant all database permissions to wordpress database user. This is not a good security practice. We should grant only those database permissions which are actually required by WordPress for proper functioning.

Minimum Database Permission Required By WordPress

For normal functioning of WordPress, it requires only following database permissions. You can safely disable / deny rest database permissions.


Permission required for Wordpress, Plugin, Theme installation

With above four database permissions, you also need to grant one more permission for WordPress installation, Plugin installation and theme installation. So, before installing wordpress or any plugin or any theme, make sure you enable this database permission also.


How To restrict Database Permissions on cPanel

Most hosting providers give cPanel as hosting control panel. Changing database permissions on cPanel is very easy.

Step 1

Login in cPanel and navigate to:
cPanel -> Databases -> MySQL Databases

Step 2

Click the database user of your WordPress database.

Step 3

On the next page check the permissions which you want to grant for this database user to your wordpress database. Click Make changes button to save new permissions.

I hope this article was helpful to you.
