Installation of nava theme is very easy. Its the same method that you follow for the installation of any Drupal 9 / 10 / 11 theme. This tutorial shows how to install nava theme.

Methods to install theme

There are two common methods to install a new Drupal 9 / 10 theme. You can use either method to install the Nava theme.

  • Composer
    If you are familiar with composer, this is the easiest and most preferred method.
  • Using FTP
    Use this method only when Drupal uploader method is not working.

Installing using composer

Visit the project page to get the composer command.


Installing using FTP

  • Download the latest version of the theme from project page.
  • Extract the download .zip / .tar.gz file.
  • Upload nava folder to /themes directory of your Drupal installation.