Concatenate String and Integer in Python

Concatenation Operator in Python

In Python + is used as concatenation operator. By default, Python supports string concatenation using + operator. And if you try to concatenate string and integer using + operator, it will throw some runtime error.


Let's try to concatenate string and integer using + operator.

message = "Hello and welcome to GelCode "
number = 100
print(message + number)


print(message + number)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Process finished with exit code 1

So how to concatenate string and integer in Python? There are various ways to do this, below I have listed few methods.

Method 1: Using str() function

Convert the integer to string type in print function using str() function.

message = "Hello and welcome to GelCode "
num = 100
print(message + str(num))


Hello and welcome to GelCode 100

Method 2: Using f-strings

message = "Hello and welcome to GelCode "
number = 100


Hello and welcome to GelCode 100

You can also use string directly with f-strings. See below example.

brand = "GelCode "
number = 100
print(f'{"Hello and welcome to "}{brand}{number}')


Hello and welcome to GelCode 100
