Methods to update theme

There are two methods to update kart theme.

Always back up your website before performing updates (both files and database). You can also create full site backup before updating the theme.

Update Using Composer

This is the recommended method to update the theme if you are using composer to manage your Drupal site.

Always back up your website before performing updates (both files and database). You can also create full site backup before updating the theme.

Composer Command

You can find the composer command of the latest version on the project page.

The composer command should be like this:

composer update "drupal/kart"

Update Using FTP

You can use FTP to update the theme. Please follow below steps.

Step #1 Backup

Always back up your website before performing updates (both files and database). You can also create full site backup before updating the theme.

Step #2 Download Theme

Download the latest version of the theme from the project page. Extract the downloaded file.

Step #3 Put Website in Maintenance Mode

It is a good practice to put your website in maintenance mode during update process.

Home > Administration > Configuration > Development > Maintenance mode

Step #4 Connect Using FTP

Connect to your hosting server via FTP. You can use any free FTP client like FileZilla to connet to your hosting server.

Step #5 Navigate to the Theme Directory

Once connected via FTP, locate your Drupal installation folder. The theme files are usually located under:
/themes/ or /web/themes/ or /themes/contrib/ or /web/themes/contrib/ in your Drupal root directory.

Step #6 Upload New Theme Files

Upload the new theme files to the correct theme folder.

  • During upload select overwrite the current files with the new files.
  • Make sure to upload all the files without any error message.

Step #7 Apply Custom Changes

If you have made any custom modification / change in any theme file, re-apply those changes in the new theme files. If you have added custom files to the theme, make sure those files are not deleted during the update.

Step #8 Save Theme Settings

Navigate to theme settings page and save theme settings. This is required because the new version can have new settings. Your old theme settings will remain unchanged.

Step #9 Clear Drupal Cache

After uploading the updated theme files, you’ll need to clear the Drupal cache for the changes to take effect.

Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Performance and click on Clear all caches.

Step #10 Make Website Online

Take your site out of maintenance mode.

Home > Administration > Configuration > Development > Maintenance mode